I woke up this morning with my mind and heart..on people: Koinonia Partners experience

I have felt so welcomed here in the short amount of time since I arrived, and I woke up this morning just loving on everyone I met–even those who seemed a bit distant (which were only a few).

I remembered my good friend Jeannie telling me about the book, “Practicing the Presence of People”.  Unfortunately, I forgot about it.  Why is this? That is another topic.

Anyway, I looked up the book, read a bit, and found these quotes. Reading this plus the intro to the book has enriched my experience here already tremendously.


Here is a quote from the book:

“By  treating people the same way I treat God, I began to relax with them and  enjoy them.  Not only that, but the  more I make my peace with people, the deeper grows by peace with God.  The more I pay attention to people and  connect with them, the richer grows my prayer life.  The more I give myself to others, the more  happy and fulfilled I feel.” (4)    

One way that this book has helped me is to know how important it is for me to love myself.  After all, if God loves everyone especially, that includes me. So I look at myself through God’s eyes.  And, Jesus does say, “love your neighbor as yourself.”  Sounds like I need to love myself.  This helps me to get out of my critical mind which often thinks, “That person does not like me.”  I then start treating the person in a way that inspires them to distance from me.

This is a topic for another discussion.  I want to buy this book!



Tampa Underground: a micro church network

I met a young woman here at Koinonia Partners who belongs to this network in Tampa.  Here

http://tampaunderground.com/our-manifesto/  This looks very promising as a model.  I keep finding models that are so awesome. Now, what to do with all the information?  A documentary of course..or maybe a slide show.  I pray that I can take in all this information, digest it and share it in a way that inspires action.  Here’s a snippet from the web site:

“The Underground is a new kind of church made up of not just individuals, but communities. In fact, the Underground is a fellowship of microchurches – groups that reach out to their neighbors (home churches), seek to reach certain populations (missional churches), serve to see the Kingdom come on university campuses (university churches), and finally those that labor globally to share the Gospel (global movements). There are currently over 85 microchurches that form our makeup.”


Mustard Seed Associates–another amazing organization

One of the biggest perks to visiting real live people in community is that they like to tell me about their favorite organizations. Mitch, the hospitality coordinator here at Koinonia Partners share this wonderful organization with me: http://msainfo.us/about/

Here is a thumbnail description:

MSA aspires to become a networking hub for Christian imagination and innovation enabling individuals, families and communities of faith to create new forms of spiritual practices, sustainable lifestyles and sustainable communities locally and globally for life in these turbulent times. 

The Simple way is complicated!

Well, not in a bad way. It’s just that there are so many opportunities to serve and connect and learn. I don’t know where to start. So I just will list some of the things I have done so far. Since I can’t be on line after 5 (there are no coffee shops or places to get on internet in this Kensington Neighborhood in Philadelphia),  and I am working on a project for The Simple Way during office hours–I don’t have much time to blog.  But I hope to catch up when I get to Koinonia Partners.

Had a 35 minute interview with Shane Claiborne that was very inspiring. I video taped it, but now I have to learn how to edit it and get it on line.

Am working on a community mapping project which means I research a bunch of community organizations in the area, gather information and will input the data.  This is leading to me getting to know the community and some amazing people.  I love it!  This is just the job for me.

I am going to coordinate a trash pick up. Through a miraculous chain of events and simply by walking down Kensington Street, I made the connections so I have trash bags and a trash pick up point.  There is a lot of trash on my street!

I am going to the morning prayer meetings at 8 am, Very inspiring scripture reading, responsive reading, and prayer. 

Met with a preacher who’s organization has a great relationship with The Simple Way, and he is very interested in looking into Living Springs as a possibility for a retreat/discipleship center.

May have found a key volunteer that The SimpleWay needed- and I didn’t even know they were looking.

Participated in a bible study where mostly people who were in recovery attended–all men–it was a tough looking bunch.  Got welcomed, and at the end prayed over. Great time!

Walking around some of Philadelphia’s toughest streets.  Feeling very safe except for the cars that go really fast when they turn right.  I gotta be careful. Sad to see so much suffering. But so many people are reaching out.

The Hospitality House is like my retreat center–only the manager is staying there, quiet, kind of nice to have the space to myself although I do feel a little lonely at times.

Picked up trash just before the grassy field in the neighborhood was mowed. Shane called over to the office to see if I would do that because I had expressed willingness to pick up trash.  Met some very nice workers and even a person walking by who wanted to help out.

Found out that needle exchanges are necessary so that drug addicts don’t get hepatitis and aids in addition to the bad effects of drugs. Sad.  But important.

Getting to know this neighborhood and many at The Simple Way. Inspiring. I hope that my contribution will be helpful.

Got the best water melon ever for only $5 at the near by produce stand.  Eating very simply, but well.  Caretaker offered me anything I wanted in the frig after I helped clean it out of junky stuff.

Okay, back to work!





I could spend a month in the Phily area visiting intentional communities!

Here is some information which I was given by my contact at The Simple Way. I am staying at their Hospitality House–a kind of hostel for visitors. I had no idea there were so many communities in the area. I’m only here until Monday, so I’m not sure how many I will visit–but if I ever come back, I’ll know who to contact! So here is the scoop:
The Village House, which is the original community house located just down the street from the Hospitality House, still retains aspects of an intentional community as there are rhythms of shared life and resources, but you can decide once you arrive and get a sense of community life if it is an example of what you’re looking for. There is also a Catholic Worker house called House of Grace about 2 train stops away, also in Kensington. They run a free clinic. Here’s the info I have for them:
House of Grace Catholic Worker, 1826 E. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19125, 
We also have 2 sister communities in the area. One is Camden House, which is right across the river in Camden, NJ. They are affiliated with Sacred Heart Church, so I think the best way to reach them would be to attend Mass on Sunday to make a connection with them.
http://sacredheartcamden.org/ or to contact the parish school (most of the community members work there) and see if you can stop by (I get the sense that they may be open to volunteers coming during the day to help in the classrooms). http://sacredheartschoolcamden.org/
And New Jerusalem is a recovery community in North Philly that started up around the same time that The Simple Way did.
You can also check out the Bruderhof (they have a few communities on the East Coast). http://www.bruderhof.com/
And if you want to take some day trips, NYC and DC are not far. In Brooklyn, there is Radical Living NYC: http://radicalliving.wordpress.com/
and in DC there’s a network of intentional communities: http://www.dc.newmonastics.org/
And you can check out a wider directory of communities here: http://www.communityofcommunities.info/

Talents I can offer to community

I am visiting The Simple Way in Philadelphia (now it is more like a village than a community house–but TSW is a non-profit as well).  I wanted to list my talents I can offer I am hoping that   that the large network of folks in Philadelphia, New York City, and New Jersey who might want me to help them out (for free) so that I can get to know them better might want to utilize my gifts.

Professional Organizer–fourteen years experience.  website: http://www.simplifiedliving.info

Gardener: I’m good at weeding, digging, planting, harvesting–whatever you need. 39 years experience.

Children’s entertainer:  I used to do children’s parties and assemblies leading sing alongs with songs with a good message, playing simple games, and telling stories.

Administrative assistant:  I am a good editor, writer, just support in the office in many ways.  Not a huge amount of experience with computers-but I get around on wordpress pretty good as well as gmail and facebook.

A letter back home to our loosely knit community in Arkansas

Hi Friends,
My journey to visit intentional Christian communities continues to hold miracle after miracle.  The timing of so many things that are happening continues to show me God’s hand at work.  For example, the farm manager suggested that some of the folks clean up a road side stand  that is also called a market barn. He didn’t know I was a professional organizer.  I was so happy to use my skills to put my mark on many containers so that they could continue to be organized. I heard he was pretty happy too.  Plus I got fresh cantaloupe, corn, and tomatoes straight from the farm.
I have written extensively on my blog if you want to hear more:  www.wellspringcommunity.us
One of the best things that is happening is a new appreciation for what we all have as a loose knit community.  I hope to contribute to strengthening our ability to cooperate and be all that God wants us to be together as the body of Christ when I get back.  Also, I have been encouraged by David Jantzen, author of the book that inspired me to go on this trip, to bring a group to visit Reba Place Fellowship and other communities. Now that I have the connections, that is going to be so much easier.
I continue to be very inspired by something called the Immanuel Approach. Here is a brief definition:

• Immanuel means “God with us,” and this promise is the foundation for all that follows.

• Thousands of professionals and lay people around the world are applying the Immanuel approach to deepen intimacy with God, permanently resolve past pain, and discern God’s ongoing guidance.

If you want to learn more, here is the website:  www.immanuelapproach.com  Plus, there is a free video course which is excellent.  You can find it here: http://vimeo.com/album/2297934

I was very blessed to meet with Karl Lehman (the main developer of this approach), his wife Charlotte, and Jessie Handy–main teacher on the series I shared above.  Plus, I have met people who have been using this Immanual Approach and have had profound healing in their lives through connecting with Jesus.  The beauty of the method is that is very simple–but it is nice to study about it and learn the big picture.

I feel so grateful that Robert’s back is much better and he has been getting some good work.  My main expenses are transportation–so far 99% of my food has been given to me.

I am looking forward to writing more on my blog. I hope you will feel free to make some comments. www.wellspringcommunity.us  And thanks to all of you who have offered me encouragement along the way. 

My prayers are with Pam, her mother as well as Jake and his family.  I am grateful to Nancy for all that she does to keep us informed and updated. What a gift.

I would appreciate prayers for a safe journey to Philadelphia. It is about 27 hours on Greyhound which is a bit exhausting.  My main concern is that I keep all my possession safe. My computer and phone plus their connections are so important to me so that I can make a slide show and documentary. I also want to down load all my pictures and I am technically not that savvy–so prayers with technical stuff are appreciated too. I am feeling healthy, energetic, inspired, and joyful for the most part. And when I’m not–God is helping me to get back to joy.




Another Immanuel Approach story: at Reba Place Fellowship

I am back at Reba Place Fellowship for an overnight stay.  I had time to have an Immanuel Approach session with a new friend I have made here.  What I discovered is that I want to make a commitment to do daily quiet time in the morning for studying scripture and prayer and journaling. That is big for me!

I am choosing not to take a lot of time now to describe it, but I just want to say our time was very inspiring and I feel more motivated than ever to practice this way of connecting with Jesus.  You can watch a full course here, taught by Jessica Handy and friends.


I had the pleasure of having lunch with Jessie (who helped teach the above class) and the person who is most responsible for developing Immanuel Prayer– Karl Lehman, and his wife, Charlotte when I first arrived at Reba Place Fellowship.  I also met Andy and his wife.  Andy helps Karl with various things including the fantastic website which has a multitude of resources. He also has used Immanuel Approach in profound ways to help people in Rwanda heal their wounds.   I feel a deep sense of connection with all these people who are using the Immanuel Approach.”

You can find out more about Immanual Approach  here:  www.immanuelapproach.com

Also, this is a very inspiring site where they use the Immanuel Approach with women and children who have been victims of human trafficking.  They call it “Encountering God,” but I have it from a reliable source that it is the same as the Immanual Approach.  More information here:  http://www.harvesthome.org/healing-ministry

I am really hoping that my family and friends at our Christian fellowship will want to learn this simple yet powerful way of listening to and connecting with Jesus.

Next steps for implementing what I am learning

Waking up with new insights about important matters feels as if Holy Spirit is downloading information into my brain. Or maybe what it is doing is taking all that has been downloaded and making sense of it. I am grateful and energized because I have some ideas I want to take back to both my community and our fellowship of Jesus followers. Here they are:

1. Focus on getting those who are interested in watching the Immanuel Approach videos where Jessie Handy and her friends are teaching, Start practicing Immanuel Approach with who ever is interested. In fact, write an email and see if people will start watching the videos now!

2.  Purchase the Resolving Conflict in Every day life and offer it as a small group study for the fellowship.

3. Do everything I can to help folks prevent conflicts and heal past hurts by purchasing and studying the book Crucial Accountability.  Study the website www.Vitalsmarts.com and learn more about these skills:

“How do you influence behavior in a corporation or community? What about changing your own behavior? How do organizations rife with undiscussables ever get anything done? VitalSmarts library of four New York Times bestselling books teach the high-leverage skills and researched best practices that separate the best from the rest.”  www.vitalsmarts.com

3.  Buy the book Healing the Heart of Your Church and study the website http://blessingpoint.org/  :

“At Blessing Point we understand how to knit together the fellowship of believers. See how we can join in mending your church tapestry.” from www.blessingpoint.org

4. Start using the “Book of Common Prayer: Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals” with the community and encourage others to do the same so that we are on the same page with each other and with many in the body of Christ  all over the world.
5.  Encourage the elders to start thinking about how we can empower the younger generation to start assisting in and taking over more leadership roles.
6. Develop a communication system which includes everyone.
7.  Start figuring out to define where people are at in terms of commitment and membership in our Jesus follower fellowship.  Present a definition so that all can feel included as much as they want to be included.  (This may sound hazy, but it will remind me of what I need to do–perhaps others will understand what I am saying)
8.  Make a directory of everyone who is in our sphere of influence so that people can more easily communicate.
9.  Develop more shared practices in our Wellspring Community including worship, prayer and working on forgiveness.
10.  Develop a slide show presentation that can inspire people about what I have learned, and what we can appreciate about our own fellowship and network of Jesus followers.
11.  Do a survey of fellowship of Jesus followers with all that I have now learned so that we can see where we are at. Use some of the assessments that I have learned about already as part of the survey including:
Okay, I know that that is a lot of assessments-I’ll start by taking them myself.  They really are check lists for learning all this good stuff.
12.  Be the change I want to see happen.  All of the things I have talked about above, I will learn as thoroughly as I can and be in a position to inspire others to utilize these tools, practices, and transformational outlooks.
Well, that is all for now.  I thank God for helping me wake up refreshed on my last day of being at Plow Creek Fellowship.  Now, on to packing!